Woman looking at disposable razor

Women’s Razor Buyer’s Guide

Tired of having to choose between pink plastic handles and better quality men’s shaving products? We hear you. We don’t know what it is about the big shaving brands that make them think women don’t have REAL hair on their bodies, but it seems that there’s more focus on colour and fragrance than performance.  

The best bit of advice we could give anyone looking to purchase a women’s razor is to throw the gender stuff out the window. Hair is hair. You don’t see Gillette giving their men’s razors “ergonomic handles” and “flexible gel bars”, so chances are they’re just marketing ploys. Instead, opt for a sturdy, well-made razor handle with replaceable blades and a quality shaving cream to provide added glide and moisture. 

Find out more in Hair Removal For Women: What You REALLY Need.

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