refillable grooming products - pure shave refill pouch

Why Choose Refillable Shaving & Grooming Products?

Why Choose Refillable Shaving & Grooming Products? 

In today’s world, plastic waste is a major environmental problem that affects every aspect of our lives. The Health & Beauty industries contribute significantly to this issue, with millions of tons of plastic packaging ending up in landfills and oceans every year. To make a difference, we must act now, and one of the best ways to do so is by choosing refillable products. Refillable products are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people realise their benefits. Not only do they help reduce plastic waste, but they also save time and money for the consumer. In this blog post, we will explore the environmental advantages of refillable products.

The Plastic Problem in the Personal Care Industry

The UK and EU are major consumers of personal care products, with the cosmetic industry alone generating over 120 billion units of packaging every year. Shockingly, only 9% of this plastic waste is recycled, with the majority of it ending up in landfills, incinerators or the ocean. In addition, according to a recent study by Zero Waste Scotland, 90% of the plastic used in the personal care industry is single-use, meaning it is only used once and then discarded. These figures highlight the urgent need for action to reduce plastic waste, and refillable products can play a significant role in achieving this.

The Benefits of Refillable Products

Refillable products offer many advantages over their single-use counterparts. Firstly, they help to reduce the amount of plastic waste generated, as the packaging can be refilled multiple times. This means less plastic is produced and fewer resources are required to manufacture and transport new products. Secondly, refillable products can save consumers money in the long run. While the initial cost of a refillable product may be higher than a single-use one, the refills are typically less expensive, and over time, the cost of using a refillable product is lower. Finally, refillable products are often more convenient, as they eliminate the need for frequent trips to the shops to purchase new products.

The Pure Shave Approach 

When I was developing Pure Shave this was an issue I wanted to address. This is why the packaging and delivery aspects of the products took the longest to work out. 

The solution I decided to use was a stylish refillable aluminium bottle for both the shaving cream and the moisturiser. These bottles would be refilled using an eco friendly refill pouch which hold enough product to refill the bottle three times over. The pouches are made from recycled materials and can be widely recycled themselves. However, rather than throw these away they can be reused in a wide variety of ways; seedling planters and ice packs to name a few. 

Pure Shave Sensitive shaving cream
Pure shave shaving cream for sensitive skin

For every refill pack that is three bottles that have not been used!!

Even our Eau de Toilette Amber can be refilled. It comes in its own flight case to enable safe postage too and from the customer. The information band that surrounds the flight case is made from flower seeded impregnated paper so that it can be planted and enjoyed once opened rather than be thrown away. 

Amber eau de toilette seeded paper band
Amber eau de toilette seeded paper band


Not only is refilling good for the environment its great for the customer as it means that the price of refilling a bottle comes down significantly. For example a new shaving cream bottle is £14.95 as opposed to refilling from a pouch works out at £8.98 per 150ml.

All of the postage packaging that Pure Shave uses has again been chosen to be recycled or reused. 

Case Studies on the Effectiveness of Refillable Products

There are several case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of refillable products in reducing plastic waste. For example, the cosmetics brand Lush has a successful refill scheme in place, which has prevented over 20 million plastic bottles from being produced since its inception in 2007. Similarly, the skincare brand Neal’s Yard Remedies offers a range of refillable products, which they estimate has saved over 500 tonnes of plastic from being produced since 2005.


In conclusion, the plastic waste problem is a significant environmental issue that requires urgent action. Refillable products are a practical and effective solution to reducing plastic waste in the personal care industry, and they offer many benefits to the consumer. By choosing refillable products, we can all make a difference and contribute to a more sustainable future. Pure Shave London is leading the way in sustainable shaving and grooming products, and their commitment to sustainability should be a model for all companies in the industry

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