
How long does a razor last?

It’s almost impossible to accurately answer the question, “How long does a razor blade last?” because there are numerous variables to consider. For instance, did you know that male facial hair is as strong as copper wire? Stubble grows at a rate of 0.04mm per day on average, which is 2.8mm per week if left unshaven. This is what a razor blade is up against.

If you use cartridge razors, the frequency at which you should change blades will differ from that of someone using a DE razor. Gillette states that their (Fusion) blades will last for “up to a month of shaves,” but this is frustratingly vague! The general consensus among the DE shaving community is to change the blade between every one and seven shaves.

I’ll base the rest of this blog post on a cartridge razor.

The variables that come into play:

Number of Shaves

The number of shaves you get from a razor blade depends on how frequently you shave. If you shave every day, you’ll need to change your blade more frequently than someone who shaves only a few times a week.

Hair Type

The thickness and coarseness of your hair can also impact how long a blade lasts. People with thicker, coarser hair may need to change their blade more often than those with thinner, softer hair.

Shaving Technique

Your shaving technique can also affect a blade’s lifespan. Applying a lot of pressure, shaving against the grain, or using an incorrect angle can cause the blade to become dull more quickly.

Razor Blade Quality

Not all blades are made equal! The quality of the razor blade can also impact its lifespan. Some blades are made with higher quality materials and have a sharper edge, allowing them to last longer than lower quality blades. This is somewhat of a trial-and-error process and a matter of personal preference. For example, a colleague of mine swears by Wilkinson Sword products, but they go dull too quickly for me.

The Impact of Shaving Medium on Razor Blade Longevity

The choice of shaving medium can have a significant impact on the longevity of a cartridge razor blade. Using a high-quality shaving cream, gel, or foam can help reduce friction between the blade and skin, extending the blade’s life. 

During the five years it took to develop Pure Shave Shaving Cream, I was convinced that my blades were lasting longer. After the product launched, several customers confirmed that their blades lasted longer as well. While this is only anecdotal evidence and has not been scientifically proven, it may be the case for others! Pure Shave Shaving Cream effectively softens the stubble that needs to be cut, reducing damage or blunting to the blades.

In conclusion, 

You should be able to feel when your blade is going blunt. You’ll get a telltale “pulling feeling” on the hair or experience a bit more pain during and after the shave. It’s crucial to change the blade at this point to avoid slipping and cutting yourself. 

Before developing Pure Shave, I changed my blades after approximately 18 shaves. I shave twice a week, so a blade would last just over two months. Using Pure Shave, I’m happy to say that I can go nearly four months (32 shaves) before needing to change a blade.

To summarize, there are numerous personal variables to consider when determining how long your blades will last. One way to increase the time between changes is to use Pure Shave Shaving Cream why not give it a try? I’d love to hear your feedback.

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